Monday, October 13, 2014

Sometimes I Just Can't Help Myself.

Those who know me understand that I have a mad love for pretty much everything that Joss Whedon has worked on, so today we are going to go with one of my favorite characters in the Whedonverse, Malcolm Reynolds.

Captain Mal inspiration set for "Y" shapes

Skinny jeans are always perfect when you want to wear knee high boots. Those of us without hips need to stick to the pants with the higher waistbands when it comes to skinny jeans, that way the pants don't fall down. Also, we need to make sure the pants fit. I cannot stress enough that you have to try them on. Trying on pants can be incredibly painful and emotionally draining for some people, and I get that. So take a friend, spend a specific amount of time trying on pants, say no more than half an hour in one store, and then take a break. Go get coffee or wander around outside for a while. If you don't love something, don't get it just because it's there and you want to stop looking. A pair of pants that fits right will go miles toward making you feel better.

Wearing a sheer over sized shirt can be flattering on the right body type, those of us with wider shoulders pull it off well so long as we have a cami underneath. Sheer + bra is something you should never wear to work. I have seen it happen, of course, there is always someone that tries to push the boundaries for fashion. Personally, I think the sheer top with a bold bra underneath is less fashion and more "look how hot I am." I am not saying it's bad to do that, in fact if I was a bit more toned I might be one of them, I just don't think it's write in an office setting. That is why we have under shirts.

Make sure all coats have good seams! Tug on it a little bit and see if they become loose. If they do, skip the coat, you'll need a new one in two months or less. I cannot stress this enough, especially with winter coats. Also, seams. Seams are very important. Princess seams can make almost any coat flattering. You want to try them on over a hoodie if possible because people (at least in Seattle) tend to layer. Heavy coats can look heavy and make you look shapeless, but they don't have to.

Stick to natural colors for your eyes and lighter colors for the lips. Mal, even when pretending to be a woman, didn't really do makeup. I suppose I will have to do a floral outfit in the spring though, in honor of his pretty floral bonnet. Keep the nails simple, maybe some french tips or a simple gloss, and put some stars in your ears. As for the necklace, I found two that I loved. With the Y shape, since I am that shape, I went with Rivers Reever Axe, because it is amazing and I want it.

Captain Mal Inspiration for "Pear" Shape

I like to carry over certain aspects of an outfit when it's the same inspiration character. Some things are a bit harder to do though. Like pants. If you're gonna go skinny jeans on a Pear shape you need to make sure A- your waist band is high enough. 2 finger widths below the belly button ladies, not half a hair over the pelvis. You also want to make sure it's not to snug over the butt or you'll have a split seam. B- it actually fits your hips and thighs. You have to try things on ladies! Skinny jeans can work for a pear shape, especially if they are wearing high boots. Mid-calf to knee high can be very flattering. Belts are your friend, even if no one can see them, they make the waistband not roll.

I paired the pants with a loose V-neck button up, neatly cinched at the waist to give definition and make dainty shoulders a touch broader so you've got the illusion of an hourglass. Pair it with a Cami for modesty (especially in the workplace.) The bright color helps draw attention up to your face and the overall effect makes you look even curvier. If the top you find is a little deeper cut remember to add an undershirt for modesty reasons.

When looking for a winter coat remember that seams are your friend! If a longer coat looks like it has a bit of a skirt thing going on? That could mean it's going to fall around your hips in a flattering way and keep you looking slender. Peplum is not a skirt thing, peplum should not be on coats. Also, princess seams are your friends! Try on your coats, though, not everything that looks good on a hanger will look good on a person. People have shape, after all, and hangers do not.

Simple jewelry again, I liked the idea of sticking with leather, kind of a nod to the rim planets and their way of life. I kept the makeup neutral, the nails clean, and then, the necklace. It might seem odd, to some, to have a six shooter on your neck, but it's so very Mal. He's either shooting or being shot (sometimes in the ass.) If you think that might be a little much you can either tuck it inside of your shirt, or go with Rivers Reever Axe.

Trying on your clothes is the first step to feeling confident!


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